
Changemakers for Enterprise Ireland


Online lead generation and application is crucial for Enterprise Ireland to develop and grow Irish enterprise in world markets. After completing an in-depth audit of Enterprise Ireland’s recent global & domestic campaigns, we identified the key areas for improving the online experience for prospects. From here we developed an integrated planning system to deliver better outcomes at campaign launch, and across the lifecycle of the campaign.


  • We were tasked with championing the audience journey and working in a cross agency role to open up digital opportunities for increased customer understanding and conversion.
  • We used a comprehensive audience portrait tool to develop a consolidated view of the audience, and identify the drivers and barriers for audience engagement.
  • We then mapped the digital audience journeys relevant to each sector, industry and audience need-state.


At a day to day level, we focus on actionable solutions that rapidly optimise Enterprise Ireland's multiple digital campaigns. Longer term, we are helping to shape a strategic direction for digital ensuring that the organisation is exceeding audience expectations across all touch points of the journey.

  • Helped reimagine the internal planning process using a purpose built campaign blueprint that unites multiple stakeholders around the audience journey.
  • Providing weekly insight and optimisation reports focused on rapid improvements to live campaigns.
  • Ongoing auditing of content, media and overall campaign performance.
  • Improving the role and user experience of the various digital platforms.